Randall M! Gee's Shadowfist Trades Page
These lists probably aren't very accurate, but I can't do any better
without actually getting organized.
Cards I'm currently looking for (in no particular order)
- Sun Chen
- Johnny Badhair
- Shan Tsu
- Sacred Heart Hospital
- Kinoshita House
- Evil Twin
- Thing with a 1000 Tongues
- multiple Bull Markets
- multiple Dangerous Experiments
- multiple Feasts of Souls
and of course...
- Ting Ting
- The Golden Gunman
- White Ninja (new)
There's a bunch of uncommon cards I'm looking for, such as:
- Robust Feng Shui
- Blood of the Valiant
I'm always looking for neet cards, actually, so even if you don't see
something you have on this list, feel free to try to arrange a trade
Cards I think I have (in no particular order)
Characters removed by Operation Killdeer
- Iala Mane x2
- Jack Donovan
- Mad Dog McCroun
- Thing with a 1000 Tongues
Other cards
- Arcanotower 2056 x2
- Arcanotower Now x3
- Banish x2
- Bao Chou
- Baptism of Fire x2
- Blanket of Darkness
- Brain Bug EQ3200
- Capoeira Master x2
- Chin Ken x2
- City Square x2
- Dangerous Experiment
- Darkness Pagoda
- Death Touch x2
- Dr. April Mucosa x2
- Dragon Mountain x2
- Drug Lab x3
- Dunwa Saleem
- Elderly Monk x2
- Elevator to the Netherworld
- Fire Pagoda
- Fists of Legend
- Floating Fortress
- Fong Sai Yuk
- Fox Pass x2
- Furious George x3
- Genghis X
- Ghostly Seducer
- Gnarled Attuner
- Gorilla Warfare x2
- Homo Omega
- Ice Pagoda
- Ice Shards
- Jamal Hopkins
- Jason X x2
- Joey Paz
- Johann Bonengel x3
- Johnny Tso x3
- Kan Li x2
- Kar Fai x2
- Kar Fai's Crib x2
- King of the Fire Pagoda x3
- Last Stand x2
- Little Jim
- Locksley Station
- Lord Shi
- Marisol
- Molten Heart x3
- Mother of Corruption
- Mourning Tree x2
- Mr. X
- Nine Cuts
- Orange Senshi Chamber x3
- Orango Tank x2
- Oscar Balbuena
- Police Station
- Probability Manipulator
- Prototype X x2
- Quan Lo
- Queen of the Darkness Pagoda x2
- Queen of the Ice Pagoda
- Quiyi Zui
- Redeemed Assassin
- Redglare Chapel
- Reverend Redglare
- Safehouse
- Sam Mallory x2
- Secret Headquarters x5
- Serena Ku
- Sergeant Blightman x2
- Shadowfist
- Shamanistic Lieutenant x2
- Shifting Loyalties
- Shih Ho Kuai x5
- Soul Maze x2
- Spirit Frenzy x2
- Suicide Mission x2
- Tactical Team x3
- The Crucible x3
- The Hanging Coffins x2
- The Prof x2
- The Rackets
- The Red Lantern Tavern
- Thunder Pagoda x2
- Thunder Sword
- Tomb Spirit x2
- Ultimate Mastery x2
- Vladimir Kovalov x2
- Water Sword
- Web of the Spider
- While Senshi Chamber
- White Ninja (Standard)
- Wong Fei Hong
- Xiaoyang Yun
- Yellow Senshi Chamber x2
- Zheng Yi Quan x2
But, like I said, this list isn't all that accurate. There may be
omissions or additions.
I am the keeper of Gummi Wisdom!
Email address: gee@math.berkeley.edu
Go to my main Shadowfist page.